Soyu And Junggigo Shared Their Eating Habits And Dieting Method

SISTAR’s Soyu reveals the real reason for her dieting

It was the regular method. I don’t hang out with people. If I meet people, I end up eating. When I wake up in the garcinia cambogia reviews morning, I go on the running machine on an empty stomach and then eat little like two bananas and tofu for about a month and a half to two months. I was almost at critical condition.
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soyu and junggigo

She shared, “The reason why I try to lose weight is to not only to maintain [my health and figure], but to be honest, it’s also because my face is chubby… People would say that my face looks like a pig and that I look like an ahjumma. That is why I put a lot of bronzer on my face.” DJ Choi Hwa Jung joked, “It’s because you’re still young. Once you age, you purposely add baby fat.” Fans would agree that Soyu is beautiful just the way she is!
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